The Dancer's Arch, Alignment, And Building Strength In The Feet
So what does all of this mean? Basically, it tells us that what the arch looks like and how it deforms when we are standing or sitting probably doesn’t tell us much about what the arch does when we are actually moving. Thus, applying the “wet footprint” test as a basis for determining foot type, and thus as a basis for choosing a running shoe makes very little sense. As Dicharry showed, only the extreme floppy and rigid feet differed in degree of arch deformation during running, and the difference was very small and of unknown clinical significance (and neither differed from so-called “neutral” feet). At a height of 630 feet, the Gateway Arch is the tallest monument in the United States. The Arch is grounded with 60 feet deep foundations, that makes it strong enough to withstand earthquakes and high winds. The structure is designed to sway nearly 18 inches in winds up to 150 mile per hour. The dimensions of the two legs of the Gateway Arch has an interesting history. Both legs were simultaneously constructed, and when it was time to connect them together at the apex, it created a thermal expansion problem during architectural alignment. Prescription shoe inserts have been used by physicians for over thirty years to provide stabilization and support to feet whose structure and shape cause numerous painful foot conditions. These devices work based on concepts developed by research begun in the 1960s to understand how the foot functions mechanically, and how that function can be altered to treat foot pain. This article discusses how these orthotic devices work, and how they differ from store-bought inserts. Try not to buy just for color, style or brand name. Shoes can make a statement, but you do not want your statement to be, "I went for the style but can't run a mile." We have a lot to thank our feet for, but we simply don’t care enough. Think about it; your feet help you support your entire body weight, stand, walk, run, lift, clean and much more. They make you do the things you are able to do every day of your life without making you bother about why or how. Neglecting our feet by keeping them unhygienic and leaving them untreated, especially during a workout (which is when they’re taxed the most) is a sure way of inviting blisters, swelling, infections and long-lasting pain. In many cases, runners who don’t overpronate are told they have high arches regardless of their actual arch structure. “High arches” is used in this sense to mean that their arches don’t lengthen enough while running to cause overpronation. If this describes you, a pair of neutral running shoes would suit you best. If you don’t know if you overpronate or not, get a free online gait analysis from us. Regardless of the cause of your high arched foot type, If you know that you need support but have never been able to find a device that provided much if any help, Theta-Orthotics are your answer.